(SHERPA stands for ‘Sperienced, Helpful, Educated, Relevant, Practical Advisors)
My name is Dave Hoffman, some of you know me as “Bosko,” the NT Greek word for “Feed,” like when Jesus says to Peter, “Peter, if you love me, Bosko my sheep!” My hope and prayer is that you will take the time to “Graze” through these pages, feeding your Faith and giving you your best chance to grow success in your Merge…
I Merged into marriage at age 21 with Gail, now celebrating our 42nd year. Ours has been a swashbuckling ride, and I wish somebody had told me that Decision Making was so huge-
Yours for The Feeding,
Bosko (dmh59)
(Pic w/kittens)
–Brought these stowaways back from Trench Town!
My name is Matthew Bishop, and I am currently managing my Merge into adulthood. So far, my Merge has taken me from a high-schooler in Arkansas dancing recreationally to a sophomore at Colorado State University pursuing a career as a professional dancer and freelance web-developer. In 2003, I was adopted by one of the most loving people I know, my Mom.
Today, I am a year and half into my own Faith journey with the life-goal of using my spiritual gifts for the Kingdom of God. My hope is that we would come together to develop meaningful relationships so that we, along with our Lord and Savior, can encourage and assist each other in developing ourselves to be equipped for the real world…
~ Matt (mgb03)